Monday, March 22, 2010

My first post!

Here we are, six weeks of school left.

I can remember moving into Saylor Hall in August 2006. Through the past four years of my life, I've seen some amazing high points and experienced some excruciatingly painful lows. But through all of this, I have seen God do some amazing things with people in my life during that time. I wonder how different my life would be if I hadn't come to Baldwin-Wallace and been given the privilege to make the friends that I have.

But its not only the people that have been a blessing, its been the time and opportunities that have effected me also. From trips to Florida to getting internships to help me see where my calling was, the time here and the experiences have been amazing.

This blog is going to be more than just my pity party of remembering old times that have gone by, but rather me speaking whats on my heart and my mind. At this point in my life I am seeing how important everything is and I just want to be able to look back at the end of my college career, be happy with what I'm leaving behind and be able to look forward with confidence at what is to come.

-God Bless,