Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Fireworks, Lightning Bugs, and Summer Nights

Well here is real life, post graduation life is in full swing here in my life. After a wedding, 4 road trips, and the learning curve at work proving to be steeper than I thought (even though it is very fun) I am realizing that this "real world" life that people told me, and all college students, about is not that much different than college life, well except for the reality of bills. But in all reality there are still the same boring things you do at work instead of sitting in that boring class. There is still the down we had at school, expect for now we try and do "adult" things rather than the things we looked at as "stuff we did in college."

One night I was in my hot tub and realized that this is one of the most exciting times in my life. God has blessed me with an amazing opportunity to do things I've always wanted to do: work and be with my family, see parts of the country that I have never seen before, and all the while be able to keep my friends from school (I think I've been able to grow closer because I saw how much I took my interaction with them for granted), but most of all still grow closer to Him, to God himself while maturing as a "man." Here I am at the ripe age of 22, I still love to be active, am able to be active, and am able to enjoy the things I love with the people I love. I don't know how much more perfect that can be.

On the 4th of July I had the opportunity to be driving I-480 on the South East side of Cleveland. I was not expecting what I saw though...... I was able to see about 5-7 different firework shows at once. This coupled with what had been going through my mind recently on how I had been looking at my life in such a way that made each part of my life seem run-of-the-mill, seeing these beautiful firework shows all at once put into perspective how crazy life looks for our God and how amazing it may seem for him when we trust him and allow him to set his own fireworks off in our lives. Whether it is the size of an entire fireworks show for a big city that turn our lives upside down and we can do nothing but revel in his love, or little flickers of light, like the flashes of light from Lightning Bugs, or ones we take for granted every day, such as the love from the ones around us.

Even though it has only been a few months into this "grown-up life" as society calls is, I can see how it is easy to get lost, or to feel so small that its easy to lose yourself in this crazy, fast-paced society we live in. But all the same I also see why God puts us through the things we have to go through in life. When I look back at some of the toughest times in my life up until this point in my life, and even though during those times I knew it was preparing me for these times, I REALLY know now that I would not change them for the life of me. I know that I am not done with learning either, and I don't know what my future lessons will consist of, but I know that they are preparing me for the amazing things that have been planned for me.

Summer is an amazing time of the year. Its about the only time when people, working or out for summer break, are all in the same state of mind: Its nice out, lets enjoy this and enjoy each other. Whether it is on a vacation or at a wedding, on a beach or just in your backyard, enjoy with gratitude and humbleness the great memories that will carry with you though life. Laugh at the same jokes that you've heard a thousand times, keep up with those friends whom you may have lost touch with, spend that quality time with your family, and most of all be thankful for the time we have been given.

God Bless,
