Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Does change have to make sense now?

Isn’t it funny how quickly things can change, and how sometimes even when it doesn’t make sense we come to the point of knowing that whatever this decision is, it’s the Lord telling us, “Trust me, this will be for the best!” It doesn’t matter whether it is a huge decision, like moving or something with work, something as little as a fleeting thought, God wants us to live the life HE has prepared for us. I have heard, and not coincidently a lot recently, that we should stop making our plan fit God’s plan for our lives but live as Christ did and make God’s plan for our life our plan! And don’t think that I’m not speaking to myself in this either. It hit me last night in a bible study that one thing that God asks, no requires and calls us to do is to give control of our lives to Him. Does that mean stop living, of course not, but it does mean looking to Him for all that we need.

“I heard a pastor say once “God never misses.”

Wow did that ever hit home. How often did I, and do I find myself still doing sometimes, question God on why something was/is going on? A lot, and I would go out on a limb and say I’m not the only one. Who am I to think that I know what is best for me and my life, and more importantly, the people around me. Too often we are caught up in the, well its all about me and it only effects me, mentality. But it is quite the contrary, all too often it is our own actions that directly affect other people. There are plenty of examples of it in the bible to back it up as well. For example, look at the book of Joshua, specifically the battle at Ai. They we told by God to not take anything from the camp, but one guy did and because of it, they lost their next battle, lost men in the battle, and he and his family were killed for it. All because of the disobedience that he showed to the commands of God. We all have unfortunately done this though in some way, shape, of form; not completely listening to ALL of that God is telling us to do, because we think we know what is best for us.
One thing I have come to find in my own life, when I think that I knew better than God, is it was some of the dumbest decisions I’ve ever made. Looking back at those times, everything is always clearer in hind-sight, even when I thought I was looking for the long term, it was still a very short term. God reminds us of this in James 4:14: “Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.”

That really grabs your attention doesn’t it? I know it did for me. Even when we are thinking we are looking way ahead, it is still such a small amount of time. We all have times that were not sure why they are happening, or why we are lead to do a certain thing. Sometimes we can see the results immediately while other times it may be years until we see the fruition of our obedience come to the light. I know one thing that has always been an encouragement to me in Romans 5:3-5 “3 Not only so, but we[c] also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.” And I know that all verses speak differently to all people, but let’s be real, who doesn’t go through suffering in their life? No one, and it is so comforting to those who know the Lord that even in our suffering He is using it to help mold us into the person we have been called to be since before the beginning of time.

So I encourage you that next time you are making a decision, big or small, look to the Lord. He even tells us in James 1:5 “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” God is not a distant God, but rather a personal God who wants to help you. And let’s be honest, who doesn’t want to know the outcome of a situation? Then why not trust the One who not know only knows you inside and out, He made you, and He knows what lays ahead of you for the rest of your life. Trust Him, Trust Christ.

-God Bless,