Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Life is so fragile

Proverbs 31:8 - "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,..."

Let these be words that you carry with for the rest of your life. We have an amazing gift of eternal life with our heavenly Father and our Savior! We as the children of God, the chosen ones need to humble ourselves daily to the call that God has placed on our lives, so that we can help those with no voice. Whether that means for those whom are oppressed in foreign countries, or people who feel trapped within their own families. For those who are sick and feel like there is no hope, let Gods light shine through us, so they can see the ultimate hope in Christ!

(I will say from here on out I am not sure where this is going to go, so if you get confused, its ok to stop reading, lol)

It is so easy to get wrapped up in things of this world; be it work, school, people, material possessions, fill in the blank. I have been reminded these past 14 months about how easy it is to get caught up, not only in this world but especially in the negatives of this world. I do it all the time, and its human nature to get caught up. But think about the long run; family, friends, job..... but what happens when things change, what happens when the plan that God has for you doesn't follow the plan you had for yourself? What road are turning down, yours or his?

I heard in a sermon once, and ive made sure to never forget it, that we need to stop trying to make our plans fit Gods plan for our lives, and start living our life according to God's plan for us! If you know me at all you know my drive to help Livestrong and their fight to end cancer, or at least help those who are effected by it. I currently have 2 family friends who are battling their way through cancer, and it sucks. Its really motivated me to not be silent anymore and to speak for those who have no voice, or have no drive for their voice to be heard.

I want to tell people, whether they are in perfect health or have a few days left, or young or old, that there is nothing to fear. No matter how lonely, discouraged, sick, or lost you/they may be the best thing to remember is that if you know Christ you are never alone. In fact you have the best friend you could ever ask for. One that will never leave you, never forget you, and one that truly is always with you!

So I encourage to help those whom are in your life: family, friends, believers, non-believers and everyone inbetween.

God Bless,


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