Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What do you want?

What is that one thing that you have always wanted to experience? Are you someone who has always wanted to take that game winning shot, have everyone watching you in your moment of glory? Have you been the one who has always wanted to do something big, like save peoples lives, or make a big impact in a region or country that needs help? Or are you someone who wants to strive for the best life and try and make the best of every opportunity that the Good Lord had put in your way during your life? The cool part about it is all of those are great things, fun things, events that we will look back on and say, "wow, that was an awesome time!" God has amazing plans for all of us, those "ear mark" days of our lives that we will never forget. Another amazing part about God is he gives us desires, that if we follow him he will give us more than we could have even imagined, even he told us! How sweet is that, even if he told us what he has planned for us, we wouldn't be able to believe him because it is so amazing!

This post is going to be a little different from my others, as im going from more of a personal/vulnerable stand point. Over my whole life time, I have been so pumped to be a dad, to be a husband, to be someone whom God has put me in the role of a head of household, my own household, my own family. If you know me at all, you know how much family, friends, and loved-ones mean to me. To have my own family is something that excites me so much! At the same time it worries me too: Am I ready (when that time comes)? Am I going to be a good dad? Am I going to be able to lead my family in the ways God has panned for me?

I guess its something that I will have to wait and see, but in the mean time i know i need to humble myself before the Lord, and learn how to be the man i need to be when that time comes. Ive been through a lot throughout my life, self-imposed and ridicule/crap from the outside as well (as im sure you have too), but the last thing i want to do it to not be able to lead my family, especially my children and have them go through the same things I have in my life. Its not that I dont wish that I could take some of it back, but if i did i dont know if i would have ended up where I am today? If those tough times i had in my early teen years, would I have ended up in the place, mind-set, and level of my walk with God that i am today? I am not sure, but i can tell you for sure I wouldnt want to find out!

All I can say though is I cant wait for the day I can cheer my kids on in whatever they do. I cant wait for the day that I can tuck them into bed, and pray with them. I cant wait to see them grow up and experience life, knowing they have a mom and dad that will always love them. But most importantly, I cant wait to see what the Lord has, not only in store for me, but for you lives and how they will impact their generation!

Take you spotlight moment and run with it (which is sweet)! Take confidence in your goal to help people in need, and dont let anyone stand in your way (thats also really freaking sweet)! For me, im going to look forward and prepare myself my the family God has in-store for me!

God Bless,


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